How to claim compensation for mesothelioma when your exposure to asbestos took place overseas Mesothelioma can develop decades after exposure to asbestos fibres. It is all too common that you may have been exposed whilst working in a former country of residence before having emigrated to your now country of residence -- learn how you can still claim compensation for mesothelioma in these circumstances. Which country should you start your claim for compensation for mesothelioma? Imagine you were born in England where you lived and worked until the age of 30 when you emigrated with your family to Australia where you currently reside with your wife and children. At the age of 55 you are diagnosed with mesothelioma having been caused by exposure to asbestos in your job in England as a surveyor. In this example -- your exposure happened in England and although mesothelioma developed while your were in Australia your claim is against your former employer in England and is subject to Engl...