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Tips to Prevent Mesothelioma: Prevention Asbestos at Home

Did you know that mesothelioma caused by asbestos exposure can be prevented at home?

Mesothelioma is an illness characterized by scattered pulmonary fibrosis from the infiltration of asbestos dust into the lungs. Current laws restrict the use of asbestos, but many industries used it in the past. Therefore, exposure occurred, and may still occur, in various jobs, comprising of manufacturing and mining of asbestos, shipbuilding, demolition of structures containing asbestos, and roofing. Materials such as cement, clothing brake linings, vinyl asbestos tile, shingles, and fireproof paint, and filters all contained asbestos at one time, and many of these materials are still in existence. Additional diseases related to asbestos exposure include lung cancer, asbestosis, and asbestos pleural effusion.

What is Mesothelioma?

Inhaled asbestos dust enters the body and sticks to the lungs. The common affected area is the mesothelium or the protective sheet that covers the internal organs in the lungs. Mesothelium is located in the chest cavity and the lungs known as pleura.

Asbestos dust triggers the abnormal activity of the mesothelium. They also propagate without control. The onset of the disease is subtle, and the patient has persistent, dry cough, shortness of breath, chest pain brought about by the buildup of fluid in the pleura, weight loss, and abdominal pain.

In the case of mesothelioma, cancer cells can metastasize or undergo the process of metastasis. This is the dissemination or spread of malignant cells from the pulmonary tumor to distant sites by direct spread of tumor cells to body cavities or through lymphatic and blood circulation.

Frequency Cases

Statistical reports show that more than 2,000 Americans are affected with mesothelioma every year. However, even if most cases occur at work, many are still affected right at their own home. This does not necessarily mean homeowners use asbestos at home. Surveys reveal that cases of mesothelioma at home are commonly caused by asbestos dust brought at home.

People who work at industrial companies or construction sites, or simply those who have been inadvertently exposed to asbestos may unconsciously bring asbestos dust at home. Asbestos dust may stick to clothes, hair, skin, cars, or even in their tools. Hence, to avoid Mesothelioma, learn the prevention asbestos at home tips.

Here's how:

1. Learn to recognize asbestos

The problem with most people who get sick with mesothelioma, even if they are not working in an industrial company or construction field, is that they do not know how to recognize asbestos or asbestos-containing products right at their own home.

The government has already passed laws and is now implementing full restrictions and control on the use of asbestos in home products. Asbestos containing products are considered as one of the primary factors for developing mesothelioma.

Hence, if you are planning to buy tools for your home, try to check if they contain asbestos. Some of the products that normally contain asbestos are floor adhesives, door gaskets, boilers, furnace ducts, vinyl floor tiles, textured paint, fireproof gloves, asbestos cement roofing, etc.

2. Buy quality materials

The use of asbestos cannot simply be ignored considering the fact that they have high resistance to fire. However, it is best that you check on the quality of the asbestos containing product you are about to buy. Low quality or damaged products may tend to emit asbestos dust, which can infiltrate your lungs and may develop mesothelioma.

3. Dispose asbestos dust before going home

Workers at an asbestos infested environment must try to eliminate any signs of asbestos dust from his clothing or tools. Before going home, it is best that the employee must take a bath thoroughly and wash his clothes carefully to eradicate asbestos dust.

4. Be wary on floors that contain asbestos

If you have used asbestos containing products in your home, such as the flooring, it is best not to wax or brush the floor. Brushing or waxing the asbestos containing flooring may discharge "microscopic fibers" into the air, increasing the risk of inhaling asbestos dust.

5. Do not sweep suspected asbestos dust

If you think you are about to sweep asbestos dust, leave it alone. Dust particles may only infiltrate the lungs once inhaled. This can be prevented by leaving asbestos dust alone. Do not let them fly into the air.

Prevention is better than cure. Hence, to avoid mesothelioma, it is best to learn the prevention asbestos at home tips and start a life away from health hazard


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