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The Stages of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is difficult to diagnose. Symptoms are chronologically far apart. This creates a lot of confusion among some doctors because some symptoms could be attributed to other common diseases. Well-timed diagnosis can be extremely difficult due to the dormant period between getting infected and manifestation of indications. This could take up to 40 years to fully show itself and the damage it has caused. When symptoms are apparent, this cancer is already in the advanced state. By that time, treatment can do little for the patient. Treatment choices differ according to the stages of the cancer. Pleural mesothelomia has around four stages while peritoneal mesothelomia is not staged.

Stage I shows the presence of mesothelomia either on the right or on the left pleura or the stomach. Stage II assaults the chest wall or the esophagus, heart or pleura on both sides. At stage III, lymph nodes can be found further and may involve the chest. This is also the stage when mesothelioma has penetrated the abdomen down to the lining of the abdominal cavity. Stages II to IV is categorized as the advanced state of cancer. Stage IV is considered advanced mesothelioma and most of the time it is an open/close surgery, as it is no longer helpful. The cancer of mesothelioma is difficult to the point of being impossible to treat. Initially tumors can be seen in the membranes that enclose the chest cavity and abdominal cavity. It then metastasizes to the organs nearby.

The gauge of the stages is done through CAT scans, MRI testing, and other use of mechanisms like x-rays. By way of these tools the physician can see how far the cancer has has spread. Through theses measures the physician will be able to translate what level and type treatment is appropriate for which stage. Once stage and treatment has been defined, the doctor then talks it over with the patient and his family. By the time mesothelioma is diagnosed, most of the treatment is pain management and control, drug therapy, and psychological methods to help the patient deal better with the effect of pain.

Treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery are not sufficient without supplementary medications. But when conventional methods are no longer an option, experimental methods might be considered. Clinical trials are being done on humans to see how effective new drugs are with human beings. If a patient will agree to participate in a clinical trial the patient benefits in return for helping scientists analyze its efficacy of the research.

By and large, treatment would always depend on the location of tumor, what stage the cancer is in, its spread and how mesothelomia cancer metastasized. Factors like age and the overall health condition of the patient may well be considered during treatment.

Management and handling of mesothelomia cancer is a very difficult procedure. The patient needs to be physically and emotionally ready for the consequences of having mesothelioma cancer. Whatever the doctors' prognosis will be, the patient needs to be able to prepare for what will happen next.


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