The cancer Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos used in house building materials. It does not take much exposure to cause mesothelioma. The cancer can take up to 30 years to occur which makes diagnosis difficult. There is no link between smoking and mesothelioma. Non smokers contract it as much as smokers.
Lung cancer mesothelioma is a disease where a particular type of cell(the mesothelium) divides without control. This division of cells can lead to mesothelioma. If the cells continue to divide and multiply, they may begin to spread to other parts of the body. If it becomes malignant, it will spread all over the body. Fortunately, the cancer mesothelioma can be benign as well as malignant.
Some cancer mesothelioma symptoms are:
1. Pain in the chest. 2. Breathing Difficulty. 3. Fatigue. 4. Strong Cough or wheezing. 5. Coughing Blood. 6. Anemia.
Cancer mesothelioma is fatal, and unfortunately all treatments used for other types of aggressive cancers have proved ineffective. The survival period for mesothelioma, once diagnosis is made is usually about a year.
Mesothelioma would have been easier to prevent if companies had not been negligent. Many lawsuits have resulted regarding mesothelioma.
Countries that have enacted laws against the use of asbestos have lower rates of mesothelioma. For example, Sweden has seen a decline in rates of mesothelioma because it banned the use of asbestos years ago. Other countries such as Japan have been slow to outlaw asbestos and so deaths from the cancer mesothelioma continue to rise.
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