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About Benign Multicystic Mesothelioma

Benign multicystic mesothelioma is a form of non-cancerous
mesothelioma. Mesothelioma affects the mesothelium, a protective
membrane that protects and lines most of the body's internal organs,
such as the lungs and the heart. It produces a fluid that lubricates
the organs and prevents friction when they move against other internal
organs in the body. The lungs, for example, can expand and contract
during breathing without the danger of it getting worn or torn once it
rubs against other structures. As a form of cancer, Mesothelioma is
considered uncommon whether or not it is malignant or benign.

Benign multicystic mesothelioma affects the peritoneal tissue of the
abdomen. This is the lining that surrounds organs like the bowel,
spleen and the liver. It may also affect the pleura, the lining that
covers the lungs. A person with this disease will develop tumors in the
affected areas. If the tumors grow, they will cause difficulty in
breathing or cause pain in the abdomen because of the added pressure
placed on the lungs or in the stomach cavity.

Making a diagnosis of benign multicystic mesothelioma is always a
challenge because a patient can appear to be without any symptoms.
However, there are certain symptoms that may point to the disease such
as, chest or abdominal pain, chronic cough, difficulty in breathing or
in moving bowels, shortness of breath, fever, nausea, vomiting, anemia,
swollen feet, fluid build-up in the lungs or in the abdominal area and
unexplained weight loss.

These symptoms appear once the infection begins to spread or when the
tumors grow too big. Complications may also occur once fluid escapes
into the pleura of the lungs and may pose a serious health risk.

As with the malignant form of mesothelioma, the cause of benign
multicystic mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. This places workers
involved in industries and occupations where asbestos is produced or
used at a high risk of developing the disease. This includes people
whose occupations belong to certain industries such as construction,
demolition, automobile, ship yards, power plants, steel mills, oil
refineries, factories, railroads and asbestos mining.

Unfortunately, asbestos exposure is not only limited to workers in
high-risk industries. People may also be exposed to asbestos through
tainted drinking water, use of products that contain vermiculite such
as some pesticides and fertilizers, exposure to some older appliances
that contain asbestos or by living with a person who is exposed to the
material. Asbestos fibers can cling to a worker's skin, hair or
clothing and he or she may bring it home without even knowing it.

Diagnosis of benign multicystic mesothelioma
People suspected of having this disease have to undergo a physical
examination. This will include a chest x-ray and CT scan of the
affected areas. Biopsies of tissue samples taken from the lung or the
abdomen will also help in determining whether a person has benign
multicystic mesothelioma.

Once a diagnosis has been made, a treatment option will be prescribed.
Prognosis for people with benign multicystic mesothelioma is
significantly better compared to those with other forms of
mesothelioma. With early diagnosis and prompt treatment, patients can
expect a better outcome compared to people with the malignant form.

Treatment The goal of treating benign multicystic mesothelioma is to
remove the cause of the pain or discomfort. Which treatment options to
use will depend on the need for an immediate solution and on the
severity of the disease. In this case, the target of the treatment is
to eliminate the tumors. It's not always possible to eradicate all
tumors present in the affected area, but surgical removal will prevent
symptoms and alleviate any pain.

Chemotherapy may also be used to target the infected areas. With
radiation therapy, tumors are either shrunk or destroyed using high
energy beams. As a final solution to the disease, it is important that
further exposure to asbestos is either limited to such an extreme as to
produce only the minimum risk, or to avoid even mild exposure

Benign multicystic mesothelioma is a highly treatable disease. If you
experience any of the symptoms or have had prior exposure to asbestos,
it's always best to consult a doctor for a proper medical evaluation
and diagnosis. This disease may not be cancerous, but it is still a
health risk and may prevent you from living your life fully. You may
even want to get in touch with a qualified lawyer to help you obtain
compensation for the suffering you have experienced.


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