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British Workers Ignorant to the Dangers of Asbestos

A British Lung Foundation survey has revealed that most tradespeople
are unaware of the health risks posed by asbestos. Out of 400 people in
this survey relating to asbestos, it was found that 75% had not
received any form of asbestos awareness training. The survey showed
that asbestos related diseases are currently the main cause of work
related ill health. The asbestos related survey estimated that
approximately 3000 people die each year due to exposure to the mineral

Asbestos was commonly used in the construction of many buildings due to
its insulation and fire retardant properties. Asbestos was used in some
building materials until 1999; however most was phased out in the early
1980s. Tradespeople now have the highest risk of developing asbestos
related lung cancers, mesothelioma and asbestosis as they regularly
disturb and come into contact with materials that may contain asbestos
fibres. Building owners should always consider having an asbestos
survey carried out on their premise. An asbestos survey can help
evaluate the presence and extent of any suspect asbestos containing
materials in any building and assess their condition.

The British Lung Foundation survey relating to asbestos concentrated on
builders, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, joiners and gas fitters.
The survey found one in 10 had felt under pressure to continue working
even if they had not seen an asbestos survey for the building and
suspected that asbestos was present. In addition, nearly a third of
those in the survey mistakenly believed that they did not need to see
any types of asbestos survey because asbestos had already been removed
from all British buildings.

The majority of tradesmen - 81% in the British Lung Foundation’s
asbestos survey - said they never, rarely or only sometimes asked if
the site they were working on had been checked for asbestos via an
official asbestos survey, before they started a job - even though it is
a legal requirement for them to see an Asbestos survey which informs
them of the presence of asbestos.

Under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006, it is a legal
requirement that all those that may disturb the fabric of any building
must have Asbestos Awareness Training. This form of awareness training
for asbestos helps tradespeople increase their general awareness of
asbestos within their working environment.
It has been estimated that as many as 20 tradespeople die every week as
a result of exposure to asbestos in their workplace. In fact exposure
to asbestos has been deemed as one of Britain’s biggest workplace

So why isn’t asbestos awareness training a number one priority for
all tradespeople because with better training they would reduce their
risks of asbestos related lung disease and mesothelioma. However if the
British tradespeople continue their ignorance to the dangers of
asbestos and don’t put their own health first then campaigns, like
those run by the British Lung Foundation, to eliminate asbestos related
cancers such as mesothelioma and make them a disease of the past, are a
lost cause.

So lets all strive to make our British tradespeople more aware of the
dangers of asbestos by making sure asbestos awareness training is a
core skill they all own and all tradespeople are presented with an
official asbestos survey before they start a job on a particular site.


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